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Divan Design REMOVE Divan Design

The main focus of Divan Design is industrial design, the studio was founded in 1997. Author of globally successful design realizations for LINET, USSPA, BTL, TSE, ABB, 2N, DISA, KOH-I-NOOR etc. Winner of several awards for outstanding design, including the National Design Award, RedDot Award, BigSee Productdesign Award, Good Design and Good Design Award. Ivan Dlabač, chief designer and owner of Divan Design, has been running the Industrial Design Studio at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague since 2007. Since 2008 he has been the President of the Union of Professional Designers of the Czech Republic From 2008 to 2010, he chaired the jury of the National Student Design Award and in 2022 he was the chairman of the international competition for the Petřín cable car. A year earlier, he was a member of the jury of the international competition for the unified information system of Prague.
