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Inveno REMOVE Inveno

The design studio of René Sulc focuses on Product Design in its entire spectrum. In particular we design lamps, furniture, as well as medical devices or industrial equipment. Our design proposals emphasize not only style but also technically innovative and functional solutions. We believe that design is a powerful tool in a competitive environment and we offer manufacturers a design that meets the highest aesthetic and functional criteria. The solutions are based on listening to the clients’ requests for innovation, which are then actively developed into a final product. Design is understood as a complex process and purposeful communication with engineers and technologists. Finally we supervise the implementation of the proposals into successful production.


Jan Salanský is an independent creator whose approach steps beyond the frontiers of cultures, languages, disciplines, and styles. He creates designs that either observe or violate conventional crafting procedures, creating novel objects using traditional procedures. His work focuses on the detail and raw appearance of processed materials set in a context of place and time. He is a product of the Czech creative community in the Ještěd foothills. Jan is seconded by his brother Ondřej Salanský, his consultant, production and marketing team. They together form a dynamic duo of brothers introducing unique comprehensive solutions and procedures into design.
