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Miroslavo s.r.o. REMOVE Miroslavo s.r.o.

I focus on the design of consumer products intended for mass production. Through our company, we can design both the functional, electrical and the aesthetic part of the product with final production and sustainability in mind. We can also manage the production of the final and functional prototype. My knowledge and achievements; The products I have designed are on the market and are for sale; I have won several international design awards; I am certified by Harvard University in the areas of sustainability in connection to business; I have participated in more than 25 global design and art exhibitions; I can design both the aesthetic, electrical and functional part of the product; I have experience with mass production technology, especially injection moulding, CNC machining, and 3D printing. This allows me to design a product from scratch all the way to production.; I have my own prototyping workshop. I deliver high-quality work with great speed. For more information, please visit my website
